November 20, 2011

Lesson 44 - Avoiding Crisis Living

Avoiding Crisis Living

  • Establish priorities. Each week or each day, consider what you have to do; then decide which things are most important. Do the most important things first.
  • Eliminate unimportant things. You may find that some of your activities only waste time and do not add much to your life. Eliminate the unimportant things.
  • Improve work and study habits. Discipline yourself to work and study hard. Start on long-term projects well before they are due.
  • Recognize your limitations. Remember that no one can do everything. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself. Avoid comparing your abilities with those of others.

 “We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families.
Most of us have more things expected of us than we can possibly do. We face many choices on what we will do with our time and other resources. We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Managing our time and finding balance in our lives can be difficult. But it is possible. Here are some ideas on how to stay balanced:

  • Put the Lord first in your life. Always make time to pray and read the scriptures daily.
  • Get organized. Make a “to-do” list or a schedule.
  • Prioritize. Decide which things are most important and do those first.
  • Write important events on a calendar and refer to it frequently.
  • Keep the Sabbath day holy. You might not think there are enough hours in the day to do all you need to do, but remember Sunday is the Lord’s day, and He will bless you if you are obedient.
  • “Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means … ; but be diligent unto the end” (D&C 10:4). Make the best use of the time you have, and consider eliminating less important activities.
  • Ask for help. Turn to your family, friends, or teachers if your load becomes unbearable and you don’t know what to do.
  • Pray for help. Heavenly Father knows the pressures you are under, and He can help ease your burdens.
  • Listen to the Spirit. You might feel prompted to do something you hadn’t planned on doing.
  • In all your scheduling, don’t book every minute of your day. Leave time for family, for service, and just to relax and be yourself.

Words of the Prophets :
Boyd K. Packer, “Counsel to Youth,” Oct. 2011 general conference.
Henry B. Eyring, “Do Not Delay,” Oct. 1999 general conference.
Dallin H. Oaks, “Good, Better, Best,” Oct. 2007 general conference.
Ian S. Ardern, “A Time to Prepare,” Oct. 2011 general conference.
Donald L. Hallstrom, “Do It Now,” Oct. 2007 general conference.

November 13, 2011

Lesson 43- Associations With Others

A famous seventeenth-century British poet and clergyman, John Donne, wrote a poem in which he said, “No man is an island” 

"To make a friend, you must be a friend."

For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.  D&C 46:11-12

Personal Progress Ideas: 
Good Works Value Experience 3: Read Mosiah 18:7–10, and in your journal list three ways you can comfort others or help them bear their burdens. Do the things on your list, and tell a family member or leader about the experience and how your attitude and understanding have changed.

Divine Nature Value Experience 7:  Learn the definition of the word peacemaker. Then find and read five scriptures that teach about peacemakers. Become an example of a peacemaker in your home and at school as you refrain from criticizing, complaining, or speaking unkindly to or about others. Pray each morning and evening to Heavenly Father for help to do this. After two weeks write in your journal what new habits you want to develop, how being a peacemaker is part of your divine nature, and how you will continue to be a peacemaker.

Integrity Value Project Bullet 3:  Using 1 Timothy 4:12 as your guide, organize and carry out an activity that will help you practice being “an example of the believers.”

October 30, 2011

Lesson 41 - Being Dependable

Being A Dependable Person 
Dependable: an adjective meaning to be capable of being depended on, worthy of trust, reliable, to rely on for support, maintenance, and help. 
Reliable: an adjective meaning to be relied on or trusted to accomplish or perform, to depend on confidently, to put trust in their accuracy, judgment, character and honesty.
Some of the characteristics of a dependable person: reliable, trustworthy, responsible, diligent, trusted, steadfast, faithful, authentic, consistent, and confident. 
How are dependability and integrity related? 
Personal Progress
Integrity Value Experience 4: Look up the word integrity in a dictionary. Interview your mother, grandmother, or another woman you respect about her understanding and application of the word. Make a list of ways you can make your actions consistent with your knowledge of right and wrong, and record in your journal what it means to you to have integrity. 
Integrity Value Experience 5: Learn about standing as a witness. Read Mosiah 18:9. Then record in your journal how you can personally “stand as [a witness] of God at all times and in all things, and in all places.” Choose a personal behavior that you need to improve so you can be a better example. Develop integrity in your life as you practice your new behavior for three weeks. Record your progress in your journal.

October 23, 2011

Welcome To Our Beehive!

I love the idea of our note books where you can keep your thoughts and handouts from each lesson. But I wanted you to have the handouts at home too. So, I will post all of the handouts from our lessons here so that you can refer to them as you wish. I will also post some Personal Progress ideas for you here! So, check back often and keep studying, working on your Personal Progress and keeping as busy as a bee...